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Online Coaching

Our online coaching programme is perfect for individuals looking to take their physique development to the next level. 

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The key to making progress with a coach is communication - that's why at Raise The Bar we have constant WhatsApp support with rapid response times, to answer and questions or help you out with anything, from your training to nutrition.

Upon signing up you will receive your own detailed Customer Handbook, covering everything details that can help you prepare for your journey with us.


You will then receive a Google Forms based around your nutrition, and a bespoke meal plan will be created for you, if you choose so (this is included at no additional cost)

Once we have assessed your goals for training, you will recieve a tailored training plan which will be based on how many workouts you can do a week, aswell as incorporating all your favourite exercises and training styles. 
The plan includes a
set and rep logger, written coaching cues and a video attached to help you get perfect form.


Next, we will create you a personalised habit tracker, with habits tailored to your goals. This sheet allows you to check the boxes and shows you your % of compliance on a daily and weekly basis 

On a set day each week, we will complete a check in. You will be sent a form to complete which will ask questions based on how your week went. We will then assess physique changes, weight trends and data from the habit tracker and form to make an updated plan of action for the following week.


To join the team today, click here, or to book a FREE consult call click the link below

Book a FREE Consult Call

In this 20 minute call we can will over your goals and come up with the best route for you to go with Raise the Bar

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